《紐約時報》出版L. 羅恩 賀伯特的作品,他同時也是國際暢銷書的作家。

Basics Lectures

Basics Lectures

Basics Lectures

L. Ron Hubbard’s books contain the summaries of breakthroughs and conclusions as they appeared in the developmental research track.

$4,175 USD
有庫存 24小時內寄出
版本形式: 套組
項目 : 16

Basics Lectures更多相關資料

L. Ron Hubbard’s books contain the summaries of breakthroughs and conclusions as they appeared in the developmental research track. In many instances, he gave a series of lectures immediately following the release of a new book, providing further explanation and amplification of these discoveries as well as their full application in auditing and in life. Studying these in combination with the book provides a level of comprehension not otherwise possible.
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